Monday, July 11, 2011

7-11-11 = Free Slurpee!?

As promised to a little boy who ate all his salmon and carrots at dinner, I ventured out to the various 7-Elevens this evening with Collin to obtain his very first Slurpee because they were giving away free ones. Yes, I put a plural 's' at the end of 7-Eleven. I suppose I was a little naive to think we could just zip over to the one three minutes from our house after dinner, get the cup of sugary goodness, and go home. After waiting in line for what seemed like a day, the machine ran out of the icy stuff that differentiates a Slurpee from just a cup of syrupy juice. No problem, I think. We'll just go to the other location in Ashburn. Six-minute drive and still no Slurpee later (machine said 'out of order'...uh-huh...), I had a tired 2-year-old who was still optimistic. "We'll just try a fixed machine, Mommy," he said with reassurance. Easier said than done, son. Not wanting to disappoint my boy, I plugged in 7-Eleven into the GPS, praying the next closest one wouldn't be more than ten minutes away. It was 12. "Okay, Collin, we can try one more place." So I drove across two towns in search of the store. When we got there, people were walking out with Slurpees - good sign! So, to make a long story short, Collin got to have his coveted blue Slurpee, even though it was in a Styrofoam coffee cup because they ran out of regular Slurpee cups and even though I had to drive through a thunderstorm for 30 minutes to get home. Hope he liked it!
The kids played in the kiddie pool together for the first time today. It was cute. ;)

And Collin continues with his classic one-liners. After nap I asked him, "What would you like to have for snack?" to which he replied, "Just get me something from up there (pointing to the pantry cupboard), and I'll eat it," to which I replied, "May I have something out of the cupboard to eat, please?" to which he replied by repeating me. Good boy. We settled on cottage cheese with blueberries out of the fridge, though.

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