Friday, January 27, 2012

Christina Perri - A Thousand Years

Below are sentiments that I recently posted in one of the EA/TEF forums after I had quite an emotional drive in the car because of one song, "A Thousand Years" by Christina Perri. I was instantly transported back to my state of mind from mid-November to early-December 2008 when I spent my initial postpartum period visiting my baby in the hospital instead of cuddling with him at home. I felt like I was dying every day, my core so empty, literally and figuratively. But then I saw how unafraid and strong Collin was, even at just days old, and it gave me the strength I needed to get through such a difficult time. Isn't it funny how hearing a song can bring up memories and emotions that you haven't felt in years?
"I heard this song the other day on the radio and pretty much bawled my eyes out. Even though Collin is now a thriving, healthy 3-year-old, this song took me back to the NICU days when I was a fragile new mom waiting for my brave baby boy, whom I already loved so deeply, to get well enough to come home, each day being 'one step closer.' I still marvel at the strength of his little body to endure so much.

So to all you parents new to the TEF world, when you are feeling afraid, just take a look at your little miracle and gather courage from him/her. Your baby can feel your immense love and faith and will fight to be with you. Stay strong, and remember you have a family of hundreds right here to help you as well. Despite the hardships of this EA/TEF journey, I would do it all over again to have my Collin exactly the way he is. And it DOES get easier!"

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