Saturday, June 11, 2011

New Baby, New Blog

Is Olivia still considered a 'new baby' at seven months? Well, bottom line is that I haven't blogged since June 2010. It would be an understatement to say a lot has transpired over the last year - half a pregnancy, the big 3-OH!, labor and delivery, celebration of a two-year-old, the standard holiday craziness, and adjusting to and readjusting to life with two little ones. And I thought taking care of one small child was hard! Now that major milestones are starting to show their faces, I feel the urge to blog again before I forget it all and have twenty-something children yelling at me for not writing anything down. "A Day in the Life of Collin Monster" is dead, but the concept is not, and I intend to keep this blog alive longer.

I don't even know where to begin, so I'll just start with the present. I have a two-and-a-half-year-old Collin who is in the midst of potty training, and this time it's for real. The kid has known how to use some form of a toilet for over a year now, but he has finally found some inner strength that motivates him to stop what he's doing and go to the bathroom without any intervention on our parts, at home that is. Yes, there are accidents, and no, we are not even close to conquering the dreaded public toilet, but I am feeling confident that home potty training is going well, even with #2! My first born is talking circles around me, and it's kinda freaking me out. I do think it's cool that he's so into various instruments in the jazz and classical genres, enjoys singing in general and making up parodies for a laugh, puts together 24-piece puzzles like it's no big deal, rides a tricycle like a big boy, and loves a good cat video on YouTube. That's my boy!

In a completely different developmental bracket, I have a seven-month-old Olivia who doesn't care to roll over (she's gone belly to back exactly four times and has never tried the other direction) but manages to propel her body backwards across the living room floor. She is well on her way to eating a variety of finger foods, as she's already mastered Puffs and Cheerios and is working on avocado and banana. She is also transitioning into a new sleep pattern, sleeping in longer and moving from three to two naps a day. Not that I consider 6:30/45 sleeping in, but it's better than 5:45/6:00! And with a bedtime of 6:45/7:00, she's working up to twelve hours of sleep a night. I'll take it. One thing I can't resist about Miss O lately is when she puckers up and makes these kissing sounds. How can I not kiss that little smiley face a hundred times a day?

The downside to a potty trainer and a sleeping baby is that we are homebound most of the time lately, which means Mommy is missing out on her beloved bootcamp. :( I keep telling my body to hang in there just a few more weeks - don't start sagging yet - and I promise to get back to being MommySTRONG. Of course I can't promise to cut out the ice cream or the M&Ms I freely eat without consequence during my usual bootcamp routine. Hmm, something's gotta give, right? C'mon, kiddos! Work with me here.

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