Saturday, June 18, 2011


Jenne Barron, a teacher friend of mine who also happens to have a baby boy exactly one month younger than Olivia, just started up her own photography business. We both thought C and O would make good models to showcase her talent, so we set up a little photo shoot. Jenne got quite the greeting when she came to my door. There was Collin behind the glass, saying a boisterous hi! with a big smile and buck naked from the waist down, telling Jenne that Mommy was in the shower and would be right down. Well, at least it was her and not some random UPS man. Just a warning to all of my friends out there who are thinking about stopping by for a visit: There is a good chance Collin will not be wearing pants as long as he's still learning to use the potty regularly. 

After a little homemade pizza (pepperoni, mushroom, broccoli, and tomato basil were all of Collin's requested ingredients), we set out to the pond area across the street for some camera! action! minus the lights plus the heat, humidity, and some sleepy children. Hmmm, could very well be the ingredients for a huge meltdown. Jenne was great, though, and kept the kids busy with bubbles, silly mustache masks, pinwheels, and blocks. We sought refuge under a tree, which I thought was a perfect backdrop for pictures. My favorite, and I haven't seen any yet, will probably be the ones of Collin strategically placing alphabet blocks into the various elbows of the tree. Photography books are always talking about telling a story and evoking emotion. For me, I see the block and tree picture as the crossroads between toddler and little boy, and that is exactly the stage of life where Collin is right now. A little too old for stacking ABC blocks but not quite old enough to be an expert tree climber, a childhood pastime that I know he will grow to love. Obviously I am excited to see all the images Jenne created, but I am most anticipating the symbolic tree and block photos.

In other news, Olivia said 'da-da' for the first time today. During her dinner, I was talking about how Daddy went to a baseball game with Daddy's friends, and Daddy would be home tomorrow for Father's Day, which is when we tell Daddy how much we love Daddy. I think she picked up on my repetitive usage of the word 'daddy' and tried to imitate me. It was the cutest thing, and of course Mike wasn't home to see it, so I did make a quick video to show him later. She must have thought it sounded good because she kept repeating it over and over and hasn't really stopped since!

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