Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Our First Seizure

Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse after saying goodbye to the family pet, Olivia goes and has a seizure at the park on Saturday! With no symptoms besides typical tired, whiny clingy-ness leading up to it, you can imagine my utter surprise when she started to shake uncontrollably in my arms. I looked down, and her eyes were rolled back and everything. "I think Olivia is having a seizure," I found myself saying. It lasted for about two minutes. Luckily, I was surrounded by the most wonderful friends who called 911 and kept me calm (not to mention their kids who kept Collin occupied). Mike happened to arrive at the park without knowing what was happening right in the middle of it all, so I had my husband there for support too. The ambulance arrived five minutes later when Olivia was starting to come-to, recognizing Mommy and Daddy and her own name, even if in what sounded like a drunken stupor. They took her temperature, which was 104 and rising. The seizure was febrile and brought on by such a sudden spike in temperature, the body's way of combating the fever. Three minutes later, we were at the hospital right down the road. Who knew I'd be riding in an ambulance with our healthy child?

After giving her some Motrin, cold cloths, and a Popsicle, they wanted to do a urine test for a urinary tract infection. Four (omg, yes, four!) failed catheter attempts later, we had nothing. Poor, poor Livi. The nurses tried to convince the doctor on duty that it wasn't going to work due to her anatomy, but she insisted on having the urine straight from the source. I don't ever want to put her in that position again! [By the way, if a doctor insists on a catheter for a UTI check, don't comply. I was able to take her to the pediatrician on Monday who simply attached a sterile bag to her, put the diaper on, and told us to go get ice cream next door until she peed, which we did and she did, no problem. And no UTI, thankfully!] They checked her throat and ears, hands and feet, but didn't really see anything. So we were sent home thinking it could be a virus (many possibilities were mentioned, all of which I could have googled myself) or a UTI. The instructions were to keep her fever down by alternating Tylenol and Motrin, cool cloths and bath, and plenty of fluids. Not the most comforting discharge, but we followed the directions and were able to keep her comfortable for the weekend, despite her fever sticking around for over 48 hours.

Yesterday I brought her to the pediatrician for a follow-up and to get his opinion on the whole matter, especially since we are headed to NH in a few days. Like I said previously, he was able to rule out the UTI rather effortlessly, and with a quick check of the throat, he saw some blisters and diagnosed Herpangina, an infection of the throat which causes red-ringed blisters and ulcers on the tonsils and soft palate. It's a coxsackievirus that will have to run its course. He said it's on the downswing, and we just have to keep her fever under control with Tylenol and Motrin like we've been doing. She should be good to go for NH! Also, he said if Collin hasn't shown any symptoms by now, he doesn't have and is not going to catch it (yay!). All in all, the visit was easy and much less traumatic than the hospital. She was pretty scared at first but then realized nothing bad was going to happen. Plus she got a lollipop and ice cream out of the deal.

The whole experience was super scary, and I pray we don't have to deal with something like this again. I'm happy to say that on day four, Olivia's temperature is normal, and no medicine has been required. Her appetite is still lacking, and she gets tired more quickly than usual, but her spirits are up, and she's on the mend. 

A very sick Livi on Father's Day morning (24 hours after the seizure)
Feeling better on Monday morning...
...but still a bit run down and ready for a nap by 10:30.


  1. Oh my!! How scary! Thank goodness she is ok! I have heard of other kids getting those kinds of seizures it seems that are pretty common but super scary nonetheless! Have fun in NH!

  2. Sarah knudson6/19/12, 5:36 PM

    Oh no! Poor Olivia! I am sure that was absolutely frightening, Hil. I hope the worst is out of the way and you have a relaxing and enjoyable trip to NH.
