Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Tale of Three Bunny Rabbits

If you know Collin, you know that he was an early talker and hasn't stopped for a second since. My parents call him Gabby Gabberson and for good reason! He's the narrator of the family and the kind of kid who can hear a fact once and remember it forever. Well, today he got in touch with his creative side and "wrote" his first short story (which means he told and I typed every word verbatim).

"The Tale of Three Bunny Rabbits" by Collin Jennings, Age 3                                    April 11, 2012

      Once there were three bunnies. One bunny had a cupcake, one had a popsicle, and one had a jelly bean. They jumped off to find some carrots. They digged for some. Then they came to a giant polar bear and hopped off. Another bunny came and said, “How are you?” Then she hopped off to find some eggs to eat.
      She hopped on a trampoline. Then she bounced and bounced and bounced. The three bunny rabbits headed on the trampoline and poked her with their tails. Then they tied a beautiful car to her house. The biggest car EVER! Then they hopped on a cloud and ran over to the sun. But they were hit by a giant catalog.
      The one bunny was looking for tissue paper to blow her nose. The little bunny was looking for some water to drink, corn to eat, and tomatoes to dig up. Then the three bunny rabbits came back, and they all went into the pit where there were lots and lots and lots of rabbits. Then there were more than four bunny rabbits who turned out to be their friends. And THAT is the story of three bunny rabbits.

1 comment:

  1. I can totally hear him telling that story! At about a thousand miles an hour! =)
