Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Best St. Patrick's Day Ever!

 Today began with dressing everyone up in green, of course, and taking a family picture beneath the beautiful blossoming white dogwoods out back.

Picking flowers for Mommy and putting them in the bag (not a purse, according to Collin)
Livi is always on the move, even 'running,' so getting a decent picture can be tough. She looked really cute today!
Then Collin and I helped his friend, Sarah, celebrate the big 3 yoga-style at the new Mommy Bootcamp studio. After all the fun, he got to take home a green balloon (which he lost later on a walk with Daddy..big boo-hoos!) and a plush Pluto that he promptly took to bed with him for naptime. I was supposed to do a last-minute maternity shoot with Matt and Kathleen; little did I know St. Patrick would be bringing Miss Mila Rose instead, making me an aunt, Mike an uncle, and the kids cousins for the very first time! :)
Mila Rose Jennings 6lbs. 14oz. 20 inches

Proud parents and their bundle of baby girl!
Collin was right about her being a girl (albeit a tad disappointed that her name is not Kasherena), as he was with Olivia and with Blake's sister-to-be. He incorrectly guessed boy for Jo's sis-to-be, though. Can't get them all right, but 3 for 4 is pretty darn good. Needless to say, we are thrilled beyond words about the newest member of our family!! This has been the most memorable St. Patrick's Day yet. Cheers to Matt and Kathleen and their baby girl!

 Just a little funny from Mr. Collin at dinner that is worth writing down before I forget amongst all this baby excitement:

[after Collin has asked 'why?' for the thousandth time]
Mommy: Collin, why do you ask why all the time?
Collin: I don't know. [starts singing] I don't know why you say goodbye; I say hello!
Mom and Dad bust a gut laughing. Pretty sure he's only heard this song like once in his life!!

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