Friday, March 23, 2012

Kissing Cousins

Even though the Collin and Olivia Show technically met their Cousin Mila a few days ago, today was the day they not only acknowledged her but also fell in love with her (it probably helped that she was awake most of the time we were there, moving and making some noises). Collin was more than willing to hold her, change her diaper, sing lullabies when she fussed just a little bit...heck, he would have fed her if he could (sorry, bud, you don't have the right equipment). So many questions too! My favorite was about the "abilica cord," or "raisin on a stick" in Collin's world. He knows that it turns into a belly button from first-hand experience with his sister, but being over a year older, he wants to know exactly why it looks the way it does and what its function is. We had a fantastic day of quality time and bonding over a pancake, eggs, bacon, homefries, berries, and watermelon brunch. I think the pictures taken by Matt and me say it all. :) Oh, and by the way, Mila has a new baby cousin herself! Kathleen's sister gave birth to another baby girl, Elizabeth Grace, this afternoon. How cool is that for timing?

Collin the Kisser (although it looks like he is giving her CPR, doesn't it?)

Well, hello bright eyes!

Are the pancakes done yet?? These grapes can only hold me over for so long...

Bundling up baby because she might get cold.

GamB stopped by to visit too.

GamB and her grandchildren, including granddog Charlie :) Notice how Mila is the only one who is still!

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