Monday, March 5, 2012

Movie Milestone

 Collin and Johanna (and Olivia) on their movie date!

 As of today, I can check of "first movie in a theater" off the the milestone list in both kids' baby books. Collin had to wait over three years for this wondrous occasion, while his 16-month-old sister got to experience it at the same time as he. Oh well. No one ever said life was fair, right? The Lorax proved to be a perfect first-time movie with its fast-paced plot, colorful scenes, fun Seuss-inspired characters, musical interludes, spot on choice of actors, and a good message about conservation to boot!

Decked out in coordinating "One Fish Two Fish Red Fish Blue Fish" shirts, Collin and Olivia sat staring at the big screen devouring popcorn with Johanna for the first hour and fifteen minutes. Of course 30 minutes of that quality good behavior time was wasted on dumb previews of weird movies that no one is going to spend money to see at the 2013 no less. The last 45 minutes of the outing included two walk around breaks for Olivia, one potty break for Collin, some seat shifting and aisle pacing, and finally some enthusiastic jumping up and down and dancing to the movie's finale song. Devoid of that typical one scary character or scene, The Lorax was just an overall fun and wholesome movie for all ages; I'm really glad the stars aligned so that it would be THE movie to call their first. :)

Matching Seuss shirts before we left for the movies
Enjoying one of the perks of the theater - the popcorn!
Must be a serious part :) Notice the homemade, allergy-free popcorn for my boy!

1 comment:

  1. First movie is a milestone! I remember Sean's very well and have picture and a blog post to document. Sounds like fun!!
