Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Picnic in the Park

Let's face it: picnics make eating more fun. For a kid, you don't even have to have the traditional red and white checkered cloth spread out in a perfect square under a shady tree in a flowery meadow with a line of cartoon black ants marching toward your tray of fresh fruit to call it a picnic. Just throw some sandwiches and drinks in your bag, find a place to sit outside, and voila! It's a perfect picnic. There are so many advantages to eating this way, especially in the mess-making department. With a 16-month-old and a 3-year-old, I am so over wiping up spills and sweeping up crumbs. Let nature take care of a couple of their messes for a change! I know the birds won't mind a few bread crumbs and the ants can party on juice drops.

Today we picnicked at North Reston Park (a.k.a. Home Depot Park because it is located literally behind HD). The temps were in the 60s, the sun was shining, and the breeze was slow dancing.

Three years ago, I never thought I'd see the day when my EA/TEF boy would be eating apples and sandwiches like any other kid his age, but here he is! He still has texture issues with skin and crust, but he works through them with a lot of chewing and drinking, two things that he has finally learned to do on his own accord without a thousand reminders (maybe only 100). 

 Olivia had her first swing in a "big kid" swing. Collin was more than happy to facilitate the pushing part. I could tell this made her a little nervous (and I don't blame her - every time Collin is anywhere in her vicinity, she somehow ends up on the floor), but she hung on and had a good first time.

 Not related to our picnic in the park, Olivia is adding more and more words to her vocabulary, even though I'm probably the only one who understands her. Yesterday was "bumpy" and today was "meatball." She's also at that age where she pretty much knows what everything is and can point it out if you ask her...just don't ask her to tell you the word and expect to get a clear answer or an answer at all, for that matter. She's a little shy under pressure. :)

Cousin Baby J will be here in 12 days or less!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like fun. Sean has had no eating issues and STILL won't eat skin or that sounds about normal to me. A picnic sounds like a great idea :o)
